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Recent Technical Updates and New Resources by Audience

Technical and Accountability Administrators
Resource Highlights
MI School Data New User or Updated Roles & Permissions form The updated form is now being used statewide and combines the previous forms into one convenient document. The FERPA quiz, accountability and general user roles and permissions are now located in this single form. Use this when asked to activate a new account or make changes to roles and permissions for a user.  The link to the FERPA Quiz Answers are located on the form or can be viewed here.
MI School Data Accountability User Administration - Assigning Accountability Roles and Permissions Describes the difference between a Technical Administrator and an Accountability Administrator, as well as how to administer accounts and collect forms at the ISD level.
Technical Administrator Training for New MI School Data Back End Administrators (ISD Staff)

View Presentation from August 14, 2024

Overview: Designed for new or returning ISD/Agency Technical Administrators who would like a refresher on how to create, edit, and/or update users in MI School Data. The forms, the process, and an opportunity to ask questions is provided.


Technical Updates for Technical Administrators and Professional Development Facilitators


Technical Updates (2024-2025 School Year)

Overview: These 30 minute sessions will be co-facilitated by MI School Data experts to provide important CEPI updates.  Drop in for one, some, or all of the sessions to find out what's Coming Soon, Under Development, or Recently Released - or come with questions about hot topics or burning questions. 

Professional Developers and Facilitators
Resource Highlights
MI School Data in MICIP: Adding Data to Evidence in MICIP

Learn about the options for uploading evidence to the MICIP platform from MI School Data and other local sources. 

Learn more about joining the Train-the-Trainer Network Find out how to sign up to be an authorized provider of PD in MI School Data.
MI School Data - Data Reports for MICIP

Created by Dan Wei of Berrien RESA, MAISA Region 7, this document leads users through the student, staff and school reports in MI School Data for connections in MICIP.

MI School Data - MICIP Data Discovery Report Index

Created by Kathy Miller of Shiawassee RESD, MAISA Region 6, this document indexes the MI School Data Reports, Keywords, and Sources for use in MICIP.

If you are a logged in user and have Train-the-Trainer permissions, you should see the Training Course Materials below. If you do not, please contact your ISD Technical Administrator to request that the "Train-the-Trainer" permission be added to your user role.